Congo Airways

How To Cancel Congo Airways Flight Ticket

You have booked a flight ticket with Congo Airways, but due to some problem you need to cancel your flight. So you can cancel your flight in Congo Airways in two ways one is online and the other way is by telephone number. You need to enter your flight confirmation number or provide it to the Aviation Executive to initiate the cancellation process. If you have completed your Congo Airways cancellation process, you will be notified of the refund options that you can choose from

Ways To Cancel Congo Airways Flight Ticket

Online Congo Airways Cancellations

  • First of all you have to open any web browser in your device. 
  •  After that you have to go to the official website homepage of Congo Airways.
  •   And then you have to click on the 'Log In' or 'Sign In' button in the top right corner of your web page. 
  • Once you are logged in, you need to click on "My Booking" after that you will be taken to the new one. 
  •  Now you need to find the flight you want to cancel. And then you need to click on "Cancel Flight".

Cancel Your Flight via A Call

  • To cancel your flight on Congo Airways, you need to dial +243 81 55 55 869 toll-free number, Reservation Department. And if you have any specific questions or queries regarding your flight ticket reservation fares, refunds, or cancellation of Congo Airways Online air tickets, contact Congo Airways via phone.
  • You must now inform the Aviation Executive that you wish to cancel your Congo Airways ticket.
  •   At last you have to check your air ticket refund options.

Congo Airways Cancellation Policy

According to the Congo Airways Cancellation Policy, if a customer needs to cancel their flight, they must do so at least 72 hours in advance to receive a refund. If a customer cancels within 72 hours of his flight, it will not be refunded. Congo Airways also has a no-show policy. If a customer does not come for their flight, it will not be refunded. Congo Airways also does not allow change of flights. If a customer needs to change their flight, they will have to cancel their original flight and book a new one.

Congo Airways Cancellations Fee

Congo Airways cancellation fee is non-refundable, and is charged in addition to any applicable fare difference. If you cancel your flight 24 hours before departure, you will also be charged a Congo Airways penalty fee. This fee is usually $100 for domestic flights and $200 for international flights.


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