If you are planning to cancel your booked flight ticket with ANA airlines so don’t need to worry, because here you will get accurate and complete information about the refund & cancellation rules. ANA airlines are very flexible rules and guidelines for the cancellation and refund policies for their travelers. If you want to know How do I get a refund on my ANA ticket? So, just read the entire post.
Generally, travelers are allowed to cancel their booking up to 180 minutes before the actual scheduled departure of the flight time but in case any traveler wishes to save their cancellation charges so just cancel their booking within 24 hours of the ticket purchase date or 7 weeks before from the departure.
The ANA Cancellation Policy will not apply for the award ticket holders and group booking.
To get the full refund, travelers need to cancel their booking within 24 hours of purchasing and the ticket must be cancelled from the official website of ANA airlines or directly from the airport. Let's see the complete procedure using the below-presented instructions for the full refund.