You will need to change one or both segments of your trip to change a flight. You will be required to submit a form of payment for the difference if you choose a different flight at a greater price. You may swap your flight for one that is cheaper or of equivalent value even if you have passed the 24-hour booking deadline. The remaining value of a cheaper fare is not refundable. Refunds are only given if you cancel within 24 hours of your reservation or if you paid a Refundable Fare if you need to cancel without rebooking. Cape Air manage booking is as easy as you can think.
800-CAPE-AIR (800-227-3247) can be used in the US, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and US Virgin Islands. 284-495-2100 can be used in the British Virgin Islands. 508-771-6944 can be used in all areas outside of the United States.
Our Contract of Carriage details Cape Air's comprehensive cancellation policy. You can get a copy of your reservation by providing the confirmation number and the last name of the passenger. Let’s get acquainted with the airline after you have come to know the steps required to Cape Air Manage Reservation. This airline company runs regularly scheduled passenger flights to and from the Northeast, the Caribbean, the Midwest, and Eastern Montana. Nantucket Airlines, a division of Hyannis Air Service, Inc., runs flights between Hyannis and Nantucket, Massachusetts. We're your wings is the company motto.