The schedule is not always fixed and you may need to change your travel plans. Unfortunately, these changes often come at a price. In some cases, you can make changes for free, but this is not always possible. Check your airline before buying a ticket. As travelers, we often settle for the cheapest prices, but if your situation changes, this can often put you at the bad end of the deal. Before you buy your ticket, please read the company website or talk to your travel agent about what happens if your flight is canceled or you need to change your itinerary. Having this knowledge in advance will help you prepare for such a situation let's see the process to change Kuwait airways flight ticket.
If you have a question about an upcoming flight, please call us in the United States at 1-201-582-9200. Although we are committed to providing our customers with the best service possible, issues do arise.
many travel providers are letting you change or cancel your bookings for free, including ones that originally let their COVID-19-related flexible travel waivers expire
REBOOKING / RE-ISSUE / RE-ROUTE: For all tickets booked on / Kuwait Airways APP / any KAC Offices, you can re-book your tickets by telephoning our Call Center (171) or visiting the nearest Kuwait Airways Office.